February Souper Bowl/Art Skirmish

February 12 from 11 am to 5 pm.

Valley Art’s first Souper Bowl was in 2019 with a table full of bowls created by Valley Art’s pottery instructor, Bob Hackney, and soups by Valley Art volunteers.
Souper Bowl featured an “Art Skirmish” where a group of artists created a painting, live in the gallery, in under three hours. It was more successful than we could have imagined or hoped for, so we decided to do it every year.
If you were around for last year’s event in 2020, you know it was a little different. We sold bowls by Bob Hackney and Maggie Pike and local restaurants donated coupons for take-out soup, due to Covid-19 restrictions.
There was no Art Skirmish, but it was still a blast, and we sold out in a few hours.
This year, our Souper Bowl sale is on Saturday, February 12, from 11 a.m. until we sell out.
We’ll have handmade soup bowls and mugs by Bob Hackney, Christine Hurayt, April Hoff, Maggie Pike, and Rhoda Fleischman. There will be coupons for soup from a dozen Forest Grove restaurants (limit two; no limit on bowls).

When it’s time, you can get your tickets in our Square Store.